CPI’s Digital Card solution is designed to offer incentives and rewards via card-not-present transactions that give cardholders immediate spending power with online merchants. Deliver digital cards quickly and easily, allowing cardholders to access their digital account details and register their card to begin making online transactions instantly.
Customize your recipient message with font type and color, contents in the header and footer, background, card image, email banner, and logo.
Generate reports for active cards, card orders, usage stats and more.
Provide an experience that represents your brand from the card design to the cardholder portal.
Connect with a sales representative for a quote or schedule a demonstration.
Check order status or connect with a representative for assistance with a product.
©2023 CPI Card Group Inc. All Rights Reserved
Card@Once is a registered trademark of CPI Card Group Inc.: U.S. Patent No.: 8429075 and 10,275,747 and multiple patents outside of the United States.
Encased metal products and production technology are protected by the following patents of CPI Card Group Inc.: U.S. 8,857,722, 9,117,155, 9,430,724, 9,779,343; 10,032,099; 10,255,536; 10,445,628, 10,824,926; 11,301,735 Canada 2,879,639, 3,073,852; UK GB2519046; Japan 6777836; Korea 10-2208865
Ultrasecure card package is protected by U.S. Patent Nos.: 10,625,915, 9,049,909, 11,267,628 and 11,034,497
EMV® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries and an unregistered trademark elsewhere. The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC. The Contactless Indicator mark, consisting of four graduating arcs, is a trademark owned by and used with permission of EMVCo, LLC.