You learn which cards are likely to become compromised, allowing you to proactively detect and intercept fraud before it happens.
You benefit from analysis of 50+M daily card transactions while Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated fraud rules block fraud attacks.
You determine which cards to reissue based on proactive fraud scoring and customized tolerance levels for your institution.
With analysis of 50+ million daily card transactions, AI fraud rules block fraud attacks before they happen and for cards that have been compromised, you will learn the likelihood of which cards will go fraudulent and which cards you should reissue.
Proactively detect compromised merchants and high-risk cards
Save time and money by only reissuing high-risk cards. Financial institution cards remain top-of-wallet.
Analyze 10X more compromised cards than industry benchmarks, allowing insight into small and large breaches.
Benefit from AI, ML, and fraud specialist’s analysis of over 50M debit and credit card transactions daily.
Pinpoint merchant risk, data breaches, and card fraud with no core integration.
Identify fraud patterns and generate intelligence-backed rules to block fraud attacks before they strike
Actionable insights assist fraud teams with blocking illegitimate merchants. This eliminates the need to create and maintain large volumes of fraud rules.
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©2023 CPI Card Group Inc. All Rights Reserved
Card@Once is a registered trademark of CPI Card Group Inc.: U.S. Patent No.: 8429075 and 10,275,747 and multiple patents outside of the United States.
Encased metal products and production technology are protected by the following patents of CPI Card Group Inc.: U.S. 8,857,722, 9,117,155, 9,430,724, 9,779,343; 10,032,099; 10,255,536; 10,445,628, 10,824,926; 11,301,735 Canada 2,879,639, 3,073,852; UK GB2519046; Japan 6777836; Korea 10-2208865
Ultrasecure card package is protected by U.S. Patent Nos.: 10,625,915, 9,049,909, 11,267,628 and 11,034,497
EMV® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries and an unregistered trademark elsewhere. The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC. The Contactless Indicator mark, consisting of four graduating arcs, is a trademark owned by and used with permission of EMVCo, LLC.